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  • Lollypop
    Jul 28, 04:07 AM
    I would really like to se a mid range mac, not really fond of the illustrations above but the extra expansion of the pro line would be apreciated but at a more affordable price. I use a few older powermacs for servers but I really would like something with a bit more processing power... :D and something with a bit more longevity, something like a nice new Core 2 Duo Extreme! LOL

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  • merk850
    Jul 28, 03:01 PM
    I am a new Mac owner. I just bought my new 20 " iMac and I am learing aout the upcomming conference and possible new product releases. I
    Would appreciate any thoughts on my question.

    I am considering returning the new 20" I just bought in the 14 day period and taking the 10% hit and waitning to see if the iMac gets updated and I will repurchase. What is the likelyhood that the version I have will be updated. I would be bummed if I just bought it and I am at the end of a cycle. The $160 fee would actuallly be worth it to me to get thte latest. I would have to return it prior to the conference to stay within the 14 days but i may not want to loose out on lthe chance to get the latest.

    Any thoughts on this 20 " model be increased with a new processor??


    New Mac owner.....

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  • MacSA
    Aug 7, 05:32 PM
    As a recent switcher to Mac, I have had a lot of experience with M$'s System Restore function. It is NOT a "go back and find that data I deleted" application. It IS a "can we please go back to a time when this computer wasn't totally ********* up" application.

    I know, I cant believe people are comparing it to the sytem restore on Windows... sys restore on my PC is total bollocks and never solved any problem I had.

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  • bibbz
    Jun 9, 11:41 PM
    You mean Wal-Mart or something else? I've never heard of Wally World. Is that a chain back east? :confused:

    Walmart, lol

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  • NathanMuir
    Feb 28, 06:36 PM
    Well, I have nothing to say, but that the University has grounds for dismissal if difference of opinion arises.

    True, you can argue the gay card, but in this case, they college played the rights cards to get rid of him. Was it the best choice? No.

    Still, it's the college's right on who teaches or not; and seeing how it's a Catholic Church college, I'd say it was bound to happen.

    I agree, the situation in the OP was bound to happen sooner or later.

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  • Sirmausalot
    Apr 10, 11:42 AM
    I think the studio concept, as we know, it will be gone. It will all be one truly integrated application. Most importantly, full audio editing will be integrated obviating the need for OMFs and conforms for the person who does all of their own work.

    This will include a powerful titling tool, Motion graphics, compression, sound. There shouldn't be a need to launch an external application. Integrated Internet delivery will be comprehensive to social media, iDevices, and anything in the cloud.

    DVD Studio Pro will get a full overhaul and fully support The Bag of Hurt Blu-ray -- on an external burner for the new iMacs which will also be announced. Again, physical media gets an external treatment and the application will be the sperate step child of the newly integrated Final Studio.

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  • puggles
    Jun 14, 07:42 PM
    ok definitely not going to radio shack... they changed the time from 7AM to 1PM and are now giving out pins which will put your name on a list and they will call you as they are received to the store.... definitely not guaranteed! They also seemed really desperate for my business. Im guessing they also made the 1PM time so you will miss other pre orders and be stuck with them....unless you can pre order with apple and radio shack and cancel the apple one if radio shack does work out?

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  • Homy
    Jul 20, 11:44 AM
    eight cores + Tiger = Octopussy?!?:p

    cute i love you quotes for boyfriend. cute i love you quotes for oyfriend. (Cute Missing You Quotes I; (Cute Missing You Quotes I. Astro7x. Apr 6, 11:29 AM. FCP supporting Bluray is irrelevant
  • cute i love you quotes for oyfriend. (Cute Missing You Quotes I; (Cute Missing You Quotes I. Astro7x. Apr 6, 11:29 AM. FCP supporting Bluray is irrelevant

  • Joshuarocks
    Apr 8, 12:17 AM
    retail sucks dookey.. and Best Buy or Worst Buy can go out of business for all I care

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  • aegisdesign
    Sep 13, 12:35 PM
    going out on a limb here and assuming you have a heavily cluttered desktop

    Yes, I know. it takes me a couple of days to really clutter up my desktop whilst I'm working on a project and the desktop's the handiest place to stash stuff. I've also usually got 30-40 windows open too.

    If I'm busy I don't have the time to de-clutter and get back teh snappy.

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  • mdelvecchio
    Mar 31, 03:22 PM
    John Gruber would eat Steve Job's ***** if he could. His opinion is extremely biased.

    not really. he hails them when they do good, he faults them when they dont. google it.

    and this -- is the definition of hypocrisy. will Rubin tweet that his first-ever-tweet is now broken and untrue?

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  • dsnort
    Aug 7, 04:41 PM
    As a recent switcher to Mac, I have had a lot of experience with M$'s System Restore function. It is NOT a "go back and find that data I deleted" application. It IS a "can we please go back to a time when this computer wasn't totally ********* up" application.

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  • cloudnine
    Aug 25, 04:35 PM
    Over the years I have bought a lot of computers for my business from a lot of different venders. To be honest Apple hardware support has never impressed me! :mad: I have actually had much better support from Dell than from Apple.

    As far as .Mac goes it is one of the most poorly supported systems I have ever used in my life. They have a lousey limited faq sheet, common problems, email support is pitiful, and they don't take voice support. .Mac is a joke for $100.00 a year.

    In general Apple's entire help system in OS X sucks. Searchs within the context of an application gives you all kinds of crap from every application on the system. Also there is no depth to the system. If your problem isn't the most elementary problem possible (99% of which you can figure out yourself) then it won't be in any of the help files.

    Just out of curiosity... what kind of problems could you possibly have with .mac? I mean, I've never had any email problems, Setting it up in Mail is as simple as possible... the online interface is simple...

    I dunno... hearing people complain about customer service regarding .mac seems funny to me. What types of problems have you had with it?

    Granted, there are problems with the mac hardware. but till date, I've found apple tech support excellent. They have always replaced my hardware with no questions asked. In fact, they replaced my whole LCD screen on my 3 year old powerbook just because of a white spot.

    I wish I had such luck. Apparently if you have a 15" powerbook, they'll replace that display with no questions asked. I have a 12" powerbook without a single scratch on it that i treat like a baby... but apparently it's my fault because i put too much pressure on it... even though i use a sleeve in a cushioned pocket of a cushioned bag. o_O

    ergh. :mad:

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  • patrick0brien
    Jul 20, 04:05 PM
    with 8 cores, the aps will show up two secs BEFORE you'll have clicked on the icon. :D


    Tachyon processing WooHooo!

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  • naco
    Apr 8, 01:20 AM
    What happened wasn't something Bestbuy corporate said to do. It was something each stores individual manager decided to do. Why? Who knows.

    Most BestBuy stores who have a SWAS (Store within a store) Apple Store also have a representative from Apple manning the area. This Rep. sells their product and has knowledge on inventory. I would imagine that their improvement rate depends on how much Apple product is sold through their location. Possibly how this got back to Apple....

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  • NT1440
    Mar 23, 10:27 AM
    Good for Samsung!

    To the industry: THIS is the approach you take to new markets. Don't just come up with an answer to the original (iPad in this case), get you engineers engaged and push to define where the market will go, not where it currently is.

    This is honestly the first tablet introduced by the industry that I feel is a competitor to the iPad.

    That said, sales wise iPad will be king of the castle for quite some time. You can't really price the apple ecosystem, or beat the usability of iOS. iPad definitely has the mindshare, which is what you need in emerging markets. Take a look at the category definers Apple has introduced. Basically they set the standard for whatever market they are in (with exceptions for a few).

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  • LaDirection
    Jul 14, 04:36 PM
    "Steve Jobs really must have been embarassed after claiming we'd have 3 ghz when we still can't even pass 2.7 ghz without a huge unstable liquid cooling system."

    I think we'll see more cores per cpu before we see 3GHz. IMHO, 4,8 or more cores at 2.66 is far better than 1 or 2 cores at 3GHz.

    ""Steve Jobs really must have been embarassed after claiming we'd have 3 ghz when we still can't even pass 2.7 ghz without a huge unstable liquid cooling system."

    IBM never produced chips that could run at 2.7GHz. In IBM was stuck at 2.2GHz instead of the 3GHz promised. Apple requested that chips be overclocked to 2.5GHz. In IBM was stuck at 2.3 GHZ, these chips were also overclocked to 2.7GHz. This year we are at Dual Cores 2.5Ghz. Even if Apple uses nothing but 2.66 GHz Dual cores, they will still be the fastest, non-overcloked chips that Apple has ever used.

    "IMHO, 4,8 or more cores at 2.66 is far better than 1 or 2 cores at 3GHz."

    8 cores?! Wow, maybe one day! But 2 or more cores/CPU are only good if your app can use them. Most applications, and in fact many of Apple, do not use more than 2 cores/CPUS. The Quad core G5's are a good example how the 3rd and 4th core are 98% or the time unused. A Dual 3GHz to a user would be much more usuefull than an 8 core 2.5GHz!

    P.S. The number ONE problem that Apple must address in their pro line is the lack of Hard Drive bays! We need at least 4 HD, please! An internal 10,000 RPM RAID array is music to teh ears of pro video and film users.

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  • mrkramer
    Apr 27, 02:27 PM
    First off, before the ignorant attacks begin, no I'm not a birther. I'm personally of the opinion that he was born in America and generally share the president's feelings that this is a giant waste of time.

    Sorry, but your claim that you aren't a birther is like someone who says that they have a lot of friends who are black as an excuse to then say something racist. In this post and previous posts in the PRSI, you have shown that you clearly question where Obama was born.

    That said, I don't think Obama should have released it, he has other more important things to do, and he's already proven his citizenship several times.

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  • twoodcc
    Aug 13, 10:36 PM
    You originally said...

    ...which as I've said, a few times now, is incorrect. If you only count 4 games, as you originally said in that quote, that only totals 46M. And besides, if you check that link I originally provided, which is FROM POLYPHONY THEMSELVES, you would see that the total worldwide is only 56M. At least if you're going to quote the number in the wrong context, use the right number.

    well i did have demos just before that quote. but yes, what i meant to say, and what i actually typed, was two different things. but i think you can see what i was trying to say, and is clear: NFS has sold more, but has more games out there.

    Yay, let's play the "Twist The Numbers To Fit Our Needs" game....

    100M / 15 years = 6.66M per year (Need for Speed)
    56M / 13 years = 4.31M per year (Gran Turismo)

    So yea, Need for Speed sells 50% more per year. YAY, math is fun!!!

    math is fun, and yes, per year, NFS has sold more. but they released more games to do it. and on more consoles, to break it down even further

    It is. I don't like the direction Polyphony has taken the game. A game that used to be my favorite game. It disappoints me. Thus my frustration. I bought my PS3 with the hopes

    did you buy GT5: prologue?

    for someone who at one point really liked the games/series, i don't see why you wouldn't give this game a shot, at least after reading reviews first. i find it very frustrating to see people make judgements before the game is even out

    Can I buy one and drive it to work? No? Then it isn't real, intentions or not.

    no matter what anyone says, it is a fact that they intended to build a car specifically for Gran Turismo. that in itself is very impressive to me.

    Then according to you, Wii Play is the "greatest" video game of all time. Just reading that sentence should show you exactly why sales have very little to do with the quality of a game.

    i never said that the most sold game is the greatest. but i do think sales is one aspect to consider.

    I keep saying this, but it seems people don't really understand it. Sales, which deal with numbers, are an objective measure of something. Greatness, which deals with personal preferences, is a subjective measure. You can think GT, or the iPhone, or Star Wars, or whatever, is great. That is fine, and a personal opinion. But, the sales of those things can't be "great". They can be large, and they are, but they can't be great.

    i understand this, but i don't think you understand what i am trying to point out. you are correct in that what makes something great is personal preference, and when many people have that same personal preference, it turns into many sales.

    let's try this analogy. take tennis for example. who is a "greater" player - Roger Federer or Andy Roddick? Roddick has played some great games, and has a great serve, but Federer has many more championships. almost everyone would say Federer is greater (if there is such a term).

    think of championships as sales in this case. i know it's not the best analogy, but the first thing i could think of.

    And really, if someone uses the sales of something to qualify the greatness of it to themselves, that is kind of sad. Quite a few of my favorite things, which I consider great, didn't sell very well. That doesn't make them any less great to me.

    you do make a very good point here, but again, i think you are taking my point out of context.

    my whole point in all of this, is not that i think GT is the greatest series of all time or whatever, or that they have sold the most, blah blah. all i'm trying to say is that they have a very respectable racing series, one of the best, and i think this next game will continue their success. and i pointed out that past sales show that they have had much success. that's all i'm really saying here

    But anyway, I don't even know why I'm arguing about this. I'm not even going to be buying this game. I'm done with this thread now. I'll just tip my hat, and bid you adieu.

    it seems we are arguing just to argue. i hope you at least read some reviews once the game is out before making a choice like that. and i also hope that this thread hasn't led you to that decision

    It's refreshing that I don't have to go to gamespot forums to see a pointless immature fanboy pissing match :rolleyes:

    sorry for the inconvenience. you don't have to read this you know.

    Jul 14, 03:57 PM
    Since apple is part of the Blu Ray consortium wouldn't you think they will use blu ray only?

    No, actually. Apple technically supports HD-DVD as well, since are a member of the DVD Forum, which backs HD-DVD. :cool:

    Nov 28, 11:04 PM
    Universal has already stated that half of the money will be going to the artists.

    YEAH RIGHT... here you go EMINEM... here is your .00000000000000017 of a cent you get for this ZUNE. Just trying to share the wealth with ALL THE ARTISTS. Those artists will never see that money. PLEASE. HOW naive could you be?

    Microsoft's lack of backbone is going to make us all pay... wait and see.

    Aug 18, 07:39 PM
    ... If apple releases a 2.66GHz Conroe iMac/Mac/whathaveyou it will be able to crunch through FCP/Photoshop/etc faster than a Mac Pro because it can use regular DDR2 and won't suffer from horrendous memory latency.

    Where is your evidence to back up this statement? You have presented limited evidence about FCP, and none regarding "PS/etc." So far there is no "Mac/whathaveyou." Do you think a Conroe iMac will beat a Mac Pro due to lower memory latency alone? Do you have real experience or data regarding how horrendous a problem this is? Extra dual-core processor aside, the Mac Pro has a higher speed FSB, higher memory bus bandwidth, higher RAM capacity, and ability to set up internal RAID amongst other advantages over a Conroe iMac.

    Apr 12, 08:35 AM
    What time do we expect an annoucement today? Any live feeds out there on NAB?

    Apr 6, 01:31 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Motorola doesn't "get" tablets yet, but the G1 didn't sell well either. Let's look at the market again in two years, I bet it'll look a lot different.

    In two years the iPad 4 will be trouncing whatever tablets are trying to top the year-old iPad 3s.

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