Smart Card Holder

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  • SciFrog
    Jan 29, 02:25 AM
    Chech the SMP3 thread, maybe we got some advancements on that front...

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  • aafuss1
    Aug 7, 07:56 AM
    Full-screen in Quicktime in Leopard, and m4v export for feee

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  • NAG
    Jan 12, 05:26 PM
    That's what she said.

    All this speculation about the name of a hypothetical new sub-notebook- it's just not 'wow'. Usually at MW Apple announces some new, exciting product. I just don't see that 'wow' product being a new sub-notebook. I don't think that the over-analyzed banner is referring to a sub-notebook.

    While they are probably going to announce a new sub-notebook, I think that something else will be the product (or service) with the 'wow' factor that Steve Jobs announces as the 'one more thing...' thing. And I don't think that it will be called Nike MacBook Air.

    I was replying to zioxide, who only talked about screen size.

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  • xionxiox
    Apr 2, 07:16 PM
    My backlight bleeds

    That's funny. Your description lists every apple product you own except the iPad 2 :o

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  • MattDell
    Sep 6, 08:46 PM
    It is already far to easy for me to get the $9.99 per month Netflix account and burn every disk that I get in the mail. Also, it is very easy for me to download HD quality movies from Bit Torrent any old time I please. I don't do it because I am honest but I don't think it is right for the movie industry to not offer a viable alternative for electronic downloads as well. (and no I don't think that "Movielink" is a viable alternative) The ability to pirate things from the iTMS is no greater than any other form of distribution IMO.
    I agree with you that it's very easy to pirate movies from Netflix, but by already having the movie file on your computer makes it that much more likely that you will pirate it.

    Rented movies in a digital form just take away some of the steps required to pirate a movie, it makes it that much easier, and will invite more people to do it. (this is from the view of the movie executives, of course)

    I just do not see it happening.


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  • regandarcy
    Apr 19, 12:20 PM
    Honestly with the new Quad Core MBP lineup it makes much more sense to get a monitor and add it to your notebook than to get an iMac. (Unless you really need 16GB of ram vs 8GB).

    I can see one day only having the Mac Pro for those of use that need one (video editing, digital creation etc) and the high-powered MBP for those who don't want a tower.

    The current apple cinema displays don't have a thunderbolt port. And actually I think the macbooks have more to fear from the ipads than the iMacs do from the macbooks. Also, there used to be a time not long ago, that artists ALWAYS went for the Mac pros over an iMac.....but that is not the case anymore. I know filmmakers, photographers, graphic artists and the like who've chosen the maxed out iMac instead of a Mac pro.

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  • Link2999
    Sep 20, 11:34 AM
    I caved and bought a Belkin Grip Vue. It's a pretty nice little case, but it's expensive for what you're getting. $25 for a small piece of rubber. It's hard on the outside and soft on the inside. Green color looks nice though.

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  • steadysignal
    Apr 25, 10:28 AM
    Time to hide my iPhone file from the wife:rolleyes:

    Seriously......privacy issues seem all over the place in this digital is another example.

    I guess we need a law disclosing if such and such device tracks you and needs to disclose that to you clearly via a warning label/other....

    will a law stop the data from being used against you?

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  • Crike .40
    Nov 29, 05:34 PM
    You know what I would like with iTV?

    Live content.

    Think about it for a moment. I think everyone hates how expensive cable TV is. I am paying $45 per month just for 50 channels or so, with maybe 10 of those I actually watch (the networks, MSNBC, NESN, FSNE, ESPN, and a few other random ones).

    Apple has the TV Shows issue fixed, thanks to $1.99 per show on iTunes and season passes.

    However, live content is the big issue. I would love to ditch my cable tv subscription and go soley iTV. But I like to watch sports, especially baseball and football. Also you need TV for news events, especially breaking news. iTV and iTunes does not (yet) allow you to watch live streaming content.

    If Apple could somehow strike a deal to cover sports and other live content such as news...that just really opens the door. Major League Baseball already does it with MLB.TV, except it is browser based. Imagine the same thing, but on iTV!?!?

    Do that, and I would seriously cancel my cable tv subscription and go a la carte with iTunes. I spend roughly $540 a year on my 50 channels of cable TV, of which I at most watch 10 channels. I would much rather spend say $270 (half of the $540) on the 5 or so shows I watch, plus season passes for my local baseball and football teams, and the news channel of my choice.

    That is where iTV could become a real winner.

    This, to me, is also the key aspect that would make iTV replace cable. And, perhaps it isn't actually that farfetched of an idea. Disney/ESPN was the first (Jobs influence) company on board for movies/sports. ESPN also has an existing subscription based, web-centered content with streaming video call (i think) "in". ABCnews+ESPN sports LIVE on iTV = a must have for anyone sick of ever-increasing cable/dish costs (or anyone else who realizes how amazingly cool it would be). The only real bottlenecks for streaming sports is resolution as most American households don't have the bandwidth for streaming HD.

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  • Hastings101
    Apr 2, 11:07 PM
    Always have to use the word magical

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  • caliguy
    Jul 18, 01:48 AM
    If I'm going to spend all that time downloading a movie, I should at least be able to keep it. Bah.
    I'd rather them just be streamed if it is indeed going to be rentals.

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  • projectle
    Aug 6, 09:00 PM
    Or Leopard as Vista SP1; that should be a good two years off...

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  • tinman0
    May 2, 05:56 PM
    But my iPhone is far more limited than my first Windows PC in that regard. Even with Windows 95 I could go from one app to another while letting the other on load in the background. iOS freezes everything. If I want a video to upload on Facebook, I have no choice but to keep the app open until it's done. On my PC, I can start the upload and then move on to other things while the process is completing.

    I find moving to non-true multitasking as a step backward, not a step forward. As you said, out systems capabilites are able to do so much more. I can be playing a computer game, hit the Windows key, and open a media player and never see a drop in performance. Why limit your computer to one task at a time? Kind of defeats the point of multi-core processors.

    I doubt that the Mac is getting the type of multi tasking that you see with the iPhone, more likely it's getting the option to suspend something in the background, but for everything else, life goes on as normal (eg I can batch stuff in an application whilst I continue surfing, reading mail, watching porn etc).

    As for the crippled multi tasking on an iPhone - it's a phone for heavens sake. The BIGGEST problem that all smartphones are suffering from is battery - batteries are not able to cope with the demands of the modern phone.

    If you let people multi task properly, the phone would eat its battery alive. And we've all seen bad programming (cough...flash) which given half a chance will kill your battery in 15 seconds stone dead just to show you some crappy ad.

    So a phone does need a sensible trade off when it comes to multi tasking, and both Apple and Google (with Android) made a very sensible choice to put battery before true background multitasking.

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  • danielwsmithee
    Nov 29, 03:33 PM
    Its outputs are HDMI and component video. It is designed for HD content.The Question is will it do 1080p & 720p or just 480p?

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  • sord
    Aug 6, 11:55 PM
    Ok - I've been into Macs for a couple years now, so I don't have the history with the company of many of you do.

    That said, it seems to me that with these ads or banners for Leopard, that it is closer to being released than we all might think. Has Apple promoted a product this way -- bashing M$ -- with out releasing the product soon after?

    To me it just seems like real strong words to use if Leopard wont be out for a while, esp. if it will only be released around the time Vista will be next year.

    Anyone know what I mean, or feel the same way?
    Last WWDC Stevie said that Leopard would be announced at this WWDC - or at least demonstrated. My guess - late this year or early next it will be in stores.

    Oh - and Powerbook G5s (dual core) tomorrow!!

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  • Willis
    Aug 6, 09:18 PM
    Oh my

    it's like christmas come early

    infact it's better

    christmas sucks, and it's cold

    WWDC is my favourite holiday :p

    you got my vote... man, i should get some sleep, need to be up at 11am.. my car has been making grinding noises, so off to see the mechanic!!

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  • Mulyahnto
    Jul 19, 04:03 PM
    Actually, they were completely off base with their Mac estimates. Since it appears that most people on Wall St. think that Apple only makes iPods, this is no surprise.

    Most estimates were for around 1 million Macs sold. Apple came in at 1.3 million. There's the margin difference right there.

    This is what page 1 reported a couple days ago:

    They predict Apple sales results that are close to but slightly lower than the Wall Street consensus estimates, with iPod quarterly sales between 7.7 and 8.3 million units, Mac sales of 1.2 to 1.23 million units, and revenue of $4.6 billion and $0.48 earnings per share, compared to Wall Street estimates for revenue of $4.95 billion and $0.52 earnings per share.

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  • raymondso
    Oct 23, 08:25 AM
    does anyone know what time will the store be down when there is new product out? :)

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  • asrai
    May 3, 07:54 AM
    Whatever happened to Command-Delete?

    ....this is starting to look like Aero in Windows Vista.

    See any similarities?

    Image (

    Image (

    Uh, no not much... especially considering deleting an image is NOTHING like deleting an application. :rolleyes:

    Apr 3, 06:12 AM
    Very powerful ad.

    Sep 6, 05:22 PM
    I gave it a positive rating because it means the release of the iPhone is imminent and will be the sole feature of the next event. I mean, if Apple has the balls to stick the Mac Mini update right next to the iMac's release of the 24" model, they have a HUGER release.

    Crap, I don't know if I can afford both a fullscreen iPod AND an iPhone. You ask for a higher time for Apple.. and you (hopefully) get after Sept. 12. If only I was 18 and could buy stock...

    Jan 12, 12:22 PM
    I agree, I think it will be called the "AirBook".

    And you feel so strongly about that you put it in your signature... :D

    Nov 27, 03:24 PM
    While Apple is targeting professionals and pro-sumers, they know they need to still compete. Their prices on laptops are WAY off.

    The macbook is very competitive for it's size and portablility. Compare it to a similar Vaio or IBM. You'll be surprised.

    Nov 26, 06:52 AM
    Logitech diNovo Mac Edition Keyboard
    I finally decided that I couldn't put up with not having a number pad any longer. Feels good to have a full sized keyboard again.

    Ive been contemplating this keyboard because of the same reasons. I have a question for anyone that can answer this...I use the new Logitech Performance MX, which uses the same mini usb connector, can I use that to connect the keyboard as well, or do I have to add a second USB connector for the keyboard?

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