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  • Zadillo
    Aug 27, 06:04 AM
    Damn PowerPC fans.

    Apple is INTEL now. We Love Intel Because Stevie Tells Us So.
    We hate AMD and IBM. Should Apple ever move to another CPU provider, we will seamlessly transition to hating Intel again. This is the Way of the Mac.

    What's so good about G5's anyway? They are slow, too hot, and skull juice.
    Why do we love Intel? Because Steve says to, and Core 2 Duo is powerful, cool, not permanently drunk, allows us to run Windows and helps Apple increase its market share.

    We love ATi because just like Intel, their products are the best at the moment. We still love nVIDIA because their GPUs are in the Mac Pro.

    We love Israel because they make our Core 2 Duos and we love China because they make our Macs. We love California because that's where Our Lord Stevie J is (Don't particularly care about the rest of the US, sorry guys).

    We love our Big Cats because they run so fast and look so clean and powerful (Hmmm... Mystery of OS codenames revealed?) and of course because they are not Windows, which are susceptible to breaking...

    People who live in Windows shouldn't throw Viruses?

    Off track...

    Anyway, Rawr to all you PowerPC fanboys (And girls)

    Intel 4EVER!

    I know this is just a joke, but even so it's stupid, because the implication is that the only reason anyone here might like the chips Intel is coming out with is because they have been brainwashed into liking them now that Apple uses them (i.e. if Apple was still using PowerPC chips, or had switched to AMD, we would all be sitting here talking about how crappy the Core 2 Duo chips are).

    I'm sure there are some people like that, but it is insulting to plenty of people here who actually do know something about the various chips that Intel and AMD make and base their opinions on them just on their actual merits and weaknesses.


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  • arkitect
    Apr 27, 12:29 PM
    Maybe the certificate is legitimate, but I think the original short form would have been more convincing than a pristine copy of the long one. I like Obama, but I loathe his extreme liberalism.


    I am not sure you wanted to phrase it that way, since you are not a birther…

    I like Obama, but I loathe his extreme liberalism.
    Extreme liberalism? I guess by US standards. But from across the Atlantic he sure as hell is not an extreme liberal.

    I suspected it was a copy, I've never trusted the president, and I probably never will.
    So what would be good enough to convince you?
    A press conference inside the Hawaii Records Office?

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  • j26
    Nov 29, 09:18 AM
    You're welcome to audit my iPod. I guarantee you'll find nothing but legal tunes.

    Given your stance, I wonder how you feel about public libraries offering whole collections of CDs for patrons to "borrow". I think we all know what (many, not all) people are really doing with those CDs when they borrow them. Shouldn't we be doing something about these public institutions turning a blind eye to what is essentially sanctioned piracy?

    Put all of 'em on a Zune and "Squirt" 'em to borrowers?

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  • boncellis
    Aug 27, 10:19 PM
    What about simply rational? It's easy to become excited at the prospect of shiny new merom macs ready to hit store shelves tomorrow or tuesday, but I think that's premature. The rational part of me, which has taken over the part of me that's flipping out excited, says we'll see them within three to four weeks. I know that's disappointing to a lot of people, but if you have read through these posts, and the macforums front page, I think it's easy to surmise that that will be the case.
    But don't be fooled by my rational side too much. I've already bought a .mac account and a cool new backpack to house my MBP when it finally does ship. I'm about ready to jump out of my skin I'm so excited.:D

    Kudos to those optimists, nothing wrong with that. There's nothing really wrong with irrationality in the forum either. ;)

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  • nagromme
    Jul 14, 03:11 PM
    Except Conroes don't support dual processor configuration. Woodcrest does, hence the reason it will be in the Pro line machines while Conroe is put into new iMacs.
    Right, but I didn't say dual processors, I said dual cores.

    I see no reason why ALL Pro machines need quad cores, when today's dual core G5s are FAR slower than that and still blaze through a lot of useful work! An all-quad pro lineup would be "cool" (and I seek a quad anyway, personally) but would simply add cost without justification, for many people.

    In addition, if the new chips are supply-constrained at all having both Conroe and Woodcrest in the pro towers could help. (And the iMac does fine with Yonah for a while if need be--which seems likely to happen to me.)

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  • M-Life
    Apr 7, 11:12 PM
    Doesn't really matter, Best Buy is going the way of Blockbuster and Borders anyway. They will be gone within a few years, once all their media turns digital.

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  • CaoCao
    Mar 1, 04:37 PM
    No, not really. Why is this relevant?

    They are not permitted to marry their chosen partner, so no, this is again complete bollocks.

    Retrogress is a verb, and they were not retrograde, on the contrary they were very progressive in many respects.

    In short, your cogency is significantly inferior to Lee's.

    To argue a point one have a definition of the point. On what point of the definition do you dissent?

    The legal definition of marriage according to the government of the United States of America "...'marriage' means only a legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife..."

    Thank you for point out an error in my sentence structure.

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  • PhantomPumpkin
    Apr 27, 10:23 AM
    Maybe that's what you heard.

    I heard that the database couldn't be user purged (easily)
    The the database kept data from Day one
    and that Location services being turned off didn't change the recording of the data.

    Apple fans were "more correct". Wow. Ok - if you say so.... and if it helps you sleep at night

    I'm still confused how you think the "hype" was correct then.

    Your points don't even support it.

    As was said before, this was way overblown.

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  • Popeye206
    Apr 19, 02:06 PM
    lawsuit aside, that's up to the courts, not all the couch lawyers here....

    I was wondering if maybe the sales numbers for the iPad are just iPad 1.0 sales and not including iPad 2?

    I guess we'll know tomorrow.

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  • Digital Skunk
    Mar 23, 07:11 AM
    To be fair, every smartphone on the market is an iPhone clone and every tablet an iPad clone, so it is all related to Apple in that way.

    Well, there was this now extinct company called Palm. That once a long long time ago had the Palm TX, and full sized 4" touch screen PDA that had everything but the CDMA/GMS chip to make phone calls.

    Then there was the Palm Treo which dated back to 2002 with technology the iPhone still doesn't have

    Then there are OG (ol' skool) nerd/geeks like myself that emailed and blogged and badgered Palm to merge the two together.

    Apple just beat them to the market. The iPhone is essential a conglomeration of many devices and concepts.

    The true and ONLY breakthrough that Apple brought was the OS to manage all of that technology.

    Everyone needs to take a step back and think a bit deeper on these things if we wish the conversations to ever go anywhere.

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  • glassbathroom
    Aug 17, 08:13 AM
    Edit: Please ignore this post, I can't count!!!

    If you buy a Xeon 5160 (3.0GHz) at the moment they are £570. Apple are charging £530 to upgrade from Xeon 5150 (2.66GHz) to the Xeon 5160. Bearing in mind that you can probably sell the original 2.66Gz chip for around £300, it would be cheaper to buy the lower spec Mac Pro and upgrade yourself.

    Forgive the £ for those that think in $.

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  • hyperpasta
    Aug 5, 04:49 PM
    WWDC = World Wide Developer Conference.

    = Not Consumer Stuff.

    It's been mentioned before... :rolleyes:

    BREAKING: ThinkSecret reports ( that new iPod nano's/iTunes movie downloads have been pushed back to September!

    ThinkSecret has a track record of being vaguely right, but messing up the details of reports. I'd bet they have the iPod announcements right, but the order messed up. Or something like that. Movie downloads would probably be shown along an iPod that could play movies... duh. As in, the new true video iPod. I'd put my money on iPod nano/iMac Conroe/Price-dropped Mac mini at one event and True Video iPod/iTunes Movies/MBP Merom at another. Or something like that.

    But I'm off topic. Point is, I think we can forget about new iPods monday.

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  • MyDesktopBroke
    Mar 18, 07:16 AM
    How many times did Barack Obama attempt to draw a difference between himself and Hillary by saying "I was against the war from the beginning."? Lots.

    How many times did he attempt to portray himself as the polar opposite of George Bush, especially his foreign policy? Lots.

    How many times did he say that he was going to repair the view of America in the eyes of the Muslim world? Lots.

    How many times did he say he would talk to leaders of 'terrorist nations' without preconditions? Lots.

    The point is... he talks the talk, but doesn't walk the walk. On foreign policy, he's more of the same. On everything else, especially domestic spending, he's much much worse.

    He did say all those things - but none of those make him a military dove, since in his debates with McCain he did extensively paint Afghanistan as the "right war," or the place were America "should have been." How many times did he promise to "find and kill" Bin Laden? Even before the debates he was openly pushing Afghan and Pakistan escalation.

    According to the Tea Party, he's doing everything he can to appease Muslims, too. While they obviously are using that as an attack, his speeches in the middle east and Egypt after his election showed a marked difference in communication and downplayed American exceptionalism. Plus, so far he hasn't had a request from a terrorist leader to talk, if I'm not mistaken, so that's not really a fair comparison.
    (I can't good youtube links for his Turkey speech - the one with the "not a Christian nation remark)

    Obviously he's failed on a lot of campaign promises - especially on the front of reversing Bush domestic policies like the PATRIOT act - but I'd argue that people who saw Obama as the anti-war candidate were the ones who didn't pay attention. The last part about spending doesn't really connect to this issue.

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  • Legion93
    Apr 6, 03:34 PM
    Perfect day for this news....

    I have a new 13" MBA sitting here at my desk unopened...just dropped off from FedEx today. I'm debating whether or not to just return it and wait for the refresh or be happy with what I got.

    I'm a very light user..web, email, iTunes, sync iPhone and iPad. Do I really need the Sandy Bridge power..probably not but I dont want to have the "old not so shiny ball" come June (as the rumors suggest).

    Any help from the MR community is greatly appreciated!

    Don't get your hopes up, as any rumour is just a speculation. Apple may or may not release any updated version of the MBA very soon, but it can all depend. If you really want power, you could sell your Air for a MBP, which came out only couple months ago.

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  • MacRumors
    Aug 25, 02:37 PM (

    Over the past month or so, there appears to have been an uptick in user dissatisfaction with Apple's handling of support incidents. While overall satisfaction is extremely hard to gauge due to the fact that typically only disgruntled users notify sites of issues and the uptick could also simply represent Apple's increased marketshare, it does come amongst reports of Apple firing its online forum moderator staff ( and an Indian support center ( that was shut down as quickly as it was opened. Similarly, many people felt that Apple was ill-prepared for yesterday's 1.8 million battery recall (, as Apple's support site was quickly overloaded with requests and there was a lot of confusion as to what batteries were affected.

    This all could, of course be coincidental. Of note, Apple has consistently been a market leader in surveys on customer support (,1895,2006497,00.asp).

    Digg This (

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  • puggles
    Jun 13, 12:37 AM
    Will radio shack be selling the bumpers?

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  • ChrisA
    Apr 8, 12:43 AM
    I do not intend to be rude, but there is a difference in HDMI cables, no matter what the Internet tells you. Conductors, shielding materials/layers and the way the connectors are put together are a few differentiators. An AudioQuest Coffee cable, for example, which is several hundred dollars ($600 I believe for a 1.5m) is made of pure silver starting with the tips and going the length of the cable. This is not the same as a no name $5 dollar HDMI cable from Amazon.

    Yes, but the silver does nothing to improve the signal. HDMI is a digital signal that gets re-clocked at the receiving end. The signal is either inspec or not, there is not "better" or "best". The picture and sound quialty depends only on if the bits got there and nothing else.

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  • 840quadra
    Apr 27, 09:49 AM
    Incorrect - it's not tracking your direct location as you assert.

    For instance, when you're visiting "Harry's Sex Shop and under the counter Heroin sales" it doesn't track that you're actually at that business.

    It tracks that your phone contacted "AT&T Cellular Site 601-2L" which might be within line of sight of such a business or it might be in the surrounding neighborhood or somewhat nearby.

    My own phone shows that I travel all over the Twin Cities of Minneapolis/St. Paul since I am an IT staffer who journeys between 25 different offices all of the time that are dispersed all over town - and I think you would be hard pressed to find out ANYTHING from looking at that picture, it's a giant mess of dots all over town and one satellite facility southeast of town:


    Anyway. Yes, an enterprising thief with access to your phone could use it potentially. But as it is, collating that data would require some smarts and effort.

    You stole my map!!!

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  • Full of Win
    Mar 22, 01:10 PM
    This is just a preview of the future, Android based tablets will clean the iPads clock. Apple made the so-called iPad 2 as a 1.5. Low res camera, not enough RAM, and low res screen. It's going to be a verrrry long 2012 for Apple. Sure it's selling like hot cakes now, but when buyers see tablets that they don't have to stand inline for, that have better equipment and are cheaper ... Apples house of cards will come crashing down around them.

    The only strength that Apple has is the app ecosystem; which is why they are going after Amazon for spiting on the sidewalk. They know the world of hurt coming their way.

    Apr 25, 01:34 PM
    Strange Google is not on the lawsuit since they do the same. I guess its Apple turn to deal with privacy.

    Jul 27, 11:24 AM
    Considering some of the rumors I'm thinking all the marbles would be:
    MBP, MB, iMac, Mini processor update
    Leopard Preview
    iTunes Movie Store
    Larger capacity nanos
    True Video iPod

    So, you're right. Not a chance we're getting all of that (one can only dream).

    MBP, iMac processor update
    Leopard Preview

    I think those are the most likely marbles.

    Jul 14, 02:35 PM
    ... and the other one HD-DVD! :eek: ;) :D

    Doh! Well, again IMHO, it is my preference to have only one optical drive built in. I could always add an external later.

    Aug 7, 06:00 PM
    Time Machine won't mean much when the HD fails. Back that azz up!

    I keep reading stuff like this. I don't think Time Machine works with the reagular harddrive. You have to use it with an external drive.

    manu chao
    Apr 25, 02:10 PM
    Clearly you don't understand the issue. Apple is not tracking you since they do not collect this data. Rather your phone is generating a local cache of nearby cell towers and wifi hotspots. This benefits you by making your phones GPS function faster, more accurately and with less battery.
    The issue is that the cache is not properly protected and could be used to infer some generalized information about roughly where your phone has been. This data is only accessible by somebody with direct access to your phone, or you phones backup files.

    Why do people like that the data on their phones is encrypted and can be remotely wiped? Because it all too likely that something on your phone should not fall into somebody else's hand.
    Enabling encryption of the phone by default is just taking reasonable precautions. Creating this data log (by which I mean not deleting any but the most recent entries) is not taking what would be a very reasonable precaution.

    I always wondered why the option to encrypt the iPhone backup was there. What data would be on my iPhone but not on my computer (e-mails, browsing history, all sorts of passwords are generally both on my iPhone and my computer). Now I know of one reason, that Apple (or a third-party app) might without my knowledge create databases relating to my phone usage that are more critical than the rest of the data on my computer.

    The point is that I would have assumed that any app or part of the OS creating a database would be open and transparent about it.

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